Saturday, March 19, 2011

re-evaluating myself

While preparing my tax return today I realized that this year all I've done is work.  I didn't go to school, travel abroad, or do anything remotely interesting other than work. Which itself can be interesting, but as a subject in total - work - is nothing to write home about.

So I panicked.  My entire life I've kept busy with school, sports, travel, or some other activity.  My life has always been full of friends, family and excitement, and I've never had to work so hard at it.  Now that I work full-time I have to put in a little more effort into making things happen.  That's okay with me, I don't mind spending time with people I love, it's just that my life has drastically changed. 

Not only do I spend more time working, less time with friends, but these days I have next to nothing in my bank account. A year of paper pushing and life-adjusting later, I look at the present picture of myself and see that I am broke but well fed, well groomed, and well, a little bored. 

This is an attempt to get out myself back up to pace.  Hopefully I will find my voice in writing, in art, in fashion, in friends, in love, and in all other things I have lost.

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